Are you seeing slow or no results?

Are you seeing slow or no results?


Written by Jen O'Sullivan, BCND
Have you been using X39 for over 6 months are would say you have little to no results yet? Maybe you are only 2 months in and you still feel nothing. What is wrong? Let me help you understand.
  1. It can take one month per decade of life to see results for some. That means if you are in your 60s you will need to give it a full 7 months. If you are in your 50s then a full 6 months.
  2. Your body will use your extra healthy stem cells how it needs them, NOT how you want them to work. That can mean it is working INTERNALLY on something you cannot feel or notice right now.
  3. Commit to 6 months minimum and then get labs done after 6 months! Go to three practitioners: eye exam, dental exam, and medical exam (ask for a basic and comprehensive metabolic panel, complete blood count, lipid panel, thyroid panel, C-reactive protein test, and vital nutrient levels)
  4. If you are excessively tired and fatigued the first month or two, that is perfectly normal. Take an epsom bath often and drink lots of water (add electrolytes such as LMNT to 16 ounces of water 1-2 times per day). The fatigue means it is working on healing and repairing a larger organ or multiple organs in your body. Push through this phase!!!
  5. Check the below list to help your progress or determine of you may have caused your progress to be slow due to lifestyle and dietary issues.
Things that can slow progress are:
  1. Using previously activated patches! Do not let your pets sleep on your patch sleeves and also do not carry your patches in your pocket or your purse that is carried directly next to your body. Doing so may activate your patches. Infrared light is only blocked by glass or metal. The patches have stabilizers in them to keep them from getting activated in low temperatures, but if the temperature reaches in the 80s or 90s AND you have them close to you (within 6 inches or so) you may be activating all the patches in the sleeve. Also, do not carry a patch in your pocket to gift to someone. You will be giving them a dead patch!
  2. Not drinking enough water or doing so incorrectly (correct would be 5 ounces every 30 minutes)
  3. Drinking only reverse osmosis water or distilled water will hinder X39 (you need to add minerals back in, otherwise you are drinking DEAD unhealthy water!)
  4. Not getting enough electrolytes and ionic minerals each day.
  5. Consuming more than 60 grams of sugar per day
  6. Consuming lots of processed foods
  7. Taking more than 2 medications per day
  8. Having a lot of acid in the body (drinking coffee, being highly stressed, not getting enough sleep, not breathing properly, eating poorly, etc).
  9. Check your polarity. If you always seem to have "two left feet" you may have reversed polarity.
    Things to do to help progress:
    1. Drink water properly, use electrolytes, and stop eating sugar
    2. Take Turmeric before bed
    3. Optional: Use CoQ10 in the morning 
    4. Take an epsom bath 1-3 times per week
    5. Work with your doctor to remove unnecessary medications
    6. Lessen your stress (take naps, go on walks, pray, practice deep breathing)
    7. Change what you eat to a more whole-foods plan
    8. Walk or exercise daily to get your lymphatic system moving
    9. Be consistent with the patch. On for 12-14 hours and off for 10-12 hours. It is ok if you go a bit longer, just make sure you have at least 8-10 hours of off time each day.
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