X39 has achieved what others could not in the field of wellness and regenerative science. LifeWave’s unique patented technology uses light to elevate GHK-Cu which is known to support overall health, vitality, and longevity. Get X39 today!
2 Minutes on X39
1:30 Minute - What is Phototherapy?
X39 and Cellergize with Dr. Jen O'Sullivan
Science & Research
2021 - Double-Blind Testing of the Lifewave X39 Patch to Determine GHK-Cu Production Levels
View StudyA double-blind test published in the "Internal Medicine Research - Open Journal" showed a significant increase in copper-peptide concentrations in the blood of subjects who had worn the X39 patches for one week.
2018 - Regenerative and Protective Actions of the Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data
View Study“stimulates blood vessel and nerve outgrowth, increases collagen, elastin... improve tissue repair... anti-inflammatory actions, lung protection... anti-anxiety, anti-pain and anti-aggression activities, DNA repair, and activation of cell cleansing...”
2021 - Phototherapy Induced Metabolism Change Produced by theLifeWave X39 Non-transdermal Patch
View StudyA double-blind randomized control study published in the "International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences" revealed that X39 patches caused a significant increase in the production of 8 amino acids, which improved short-term memory, sleep, and vitality.
2019 - Effect of LifeWave X39 Patches on Brain as Seen with P3 Brain Mapping: Preliminary Results
View StudyAll participants showed dramatic changes in their scalp topographic maps reporting the amplitude of the P300 recording for each channel and also in their coherence maps.
What to Expect from X39
Getting Started
Younger and healthier cells begin to proliferate and an increase in energy flow, well-being, and vitality emerges.
The brain becomes more balanced and various mental and cognitive symptoms are diminished by supporting energy flow.
Strength and stamina are increased as well as an increase in performance as your body works toward optimal wellness.
As you continue to use X39 for 6-12 months you may notice many internal and overall health changes. Get checkups!
Continued use gives greater benefits for your health, wellness, longevity, and overall vitality.
Stay healthy with X39!
Continued Use
Wear X39 daily for 12 hours per day for one month per decade of life. If you have multiple chronic health issues, you may need 12 months regardless of your age.
- Wear behind your neck, below your bellybutton, or anywhere you desire
- Wear for 12 hours on, and 12 hours off
- Repeat the next day with a new patch
- Rotate location daily
- Drink plenty of water (4-5 ounces every 30 minutes)
- Use electrolytes daily
Consume 4-5 ounces of water every 30 minutes
Use electrolytes daily
Lessen processed sugar intake
Lessen processed foods
Eat more healthful foods
Consider taking CoQ10 in the morning
Consider taking Turmeric before bed
Get Started with X39 Today!
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Learn more about X39
Your body is an amazingly complex concert of miracles that work synergistically together to bring homeostasis and balance.
Acupressure is a traditional long-standing practice of healing that stimulates the flow of energy to promote well being. It is based on the same principles as acupuncture, but instead of using needles, acupressure relies on manual pressure on specific body points. X39 patches use pressure by stimulating the skin with infrared light from your body.
Acupressure is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) modality of health and involves working with the body’s meridian system. This system is a network of energy channels through which vital life force, or Qi, flows. By applying stimulation with LifeWave patches to specific acupoints along meridians, energy flow blockages can be released, promoting balance and healing.
The X39 patch uses patented organic nanocrystal technology and works through photobiomodulation (a type of phototherapy) and acupressure. When applied, it reflects specific wavelengths of infrared light from your body at specific acupoints, which then signals your body to work toward optimal energy flow.
A good example of how phototherapy works is with the sun. When sunlight hits your skin, your body is signaled to create vitamin D. With X39, your body is reflecting back its own infrared light making it a very simple and easy way to gain optimal health.
GHK-Cu (Copper Peptides)
View StudyWhen the body produces copper peptides (GHK-Cu), mitochondria are involved in regulating the balance between the amount and quality of GHK-Cu that is produced. Mitochondria provide the necessary energy and metabolic support for GHK-Cu proliferation (growth and increase).
GHK-Cu stimulates blood vessel and nerve outgrowth (regeneration), increases collagen, elastin, as well as supports the function of dermal fibroblasts, which are the main cell type present in skin connective tissue (dermis).X39 has been clinically proven to significantly increase GHK-Cu (copper peptides) in the body in only one week of use.
GHK Research
View StudyGHK-Cu (copper peptide) has been studied and proven to support optimal health in many ways. In his research, Dr. Loren Pickart has proven the relationship between elevated GHK-Cu levels and our ability to heal and stay young. Essentially, GHK-Cu has astounding cell-protective and regenerative properties.
GHK “stimulates blood vessel and nerve outgrowth, increases collagen, elastin... GHK’s ability to improve tissue repair has been demonstrated for skin, lung connective tissue, boney tissue, liver, and stomach lining. GHK has also been found to possess powerful cell protective actions, such as...anti-inflammatory actions, lung protection... anti-anxiety, anti-pain and anti-aggression activities, DNA repair, and activation of cell cleansing...”
Mitochondrial Function
Mitochondria play a crucial role in our bodies. They are responsible for generating most of the energy needed to power various cellular processes through a process called cellular respiration. This is where mitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which serves as the energy currency of every cell.
Proper hydration along with the use of electrolytes are important ways to support mitochondrial function. When your body is properly hydrated (by drinking four to five ounces every 30 minutes) along with the use of a high quality electrolyte supplement mitochondria thrive and can greatly impact your body’s ability to produce GHK-Cu.
Amino Acids
View StudyAmino acids are crucial to the proper function of various biological processes. They are essential for the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs in the body, which is why they are often refered to as the building blocks of proteins.
X39 has been clinically proven to increase the production of these amino acids:
Glycine – Supports muscle building, joint repair and collagen building. Reduces inflammation, protects the liver and heart, improves metabolism and digestion, and supports improved sleep quality. Glycine is vital in Glutathione production for detoxification.
Histidine – Supports growth, tissue repair, makes blood cells and protects nerve cells. It is used to make histamine. Histamine supports immune function, digestion, and improved sleep.
Lysine – Supports calcium absorption and collagen production. Supports hormone production, energy, and immune system health.
About LifeWave
LifeWave Stats
Founded in 2004
Open in over 70 countries
X39 pre-launched in 2018 with official launch in early 2019
Company growth from 20 million to $600 million (2020-2024)
3,000% growth rate from 2018-2024
World’s fastest growing direct sales company
"Our purpose is to empower you to live in the light, maximizing your human potential, with patented life technology that enhances your life."
David Schmidt
Inventor, founder, and CEO
Over 150 patents
Honorary Doctor of Science and Technology
Two-time recipient of the Advanced Technology Award from the International Hall of Fame of Inventors
Live Long.
Live Well.
Live Younger.
Patented Tech
X39 is a fully patented new technology
LifeWave patches are an FDA recognized and compliant “General Wellness Product”
Over 80 clinical studies on all the patches
Not a “me too” product like most companies that sell weight loss, supplements, oils, etc.
Pro Tips & Tricks
Users of X39 are excellent at helping people get the most out of their experience!
Here are a few tips from pro users.

Pro Tips & Tricks
Timing & Placement
The X39 patch is to be worn for 12 hours on and 12 hours off either on the back of the neck at the C7 spine acupoint, or below the belly button at the CV6 acupoint. In practice, it has the same results if worn anywhere, such as an area that needs more attention. It can also be worn up to 16 total hours with a minimum of eight hours break to allow your body to rejuvenate.

Tips & Tricks
Hydrate Well
X39 works best when your body is properly hydrated. Your body can only absorb 4-5 ounces every 30 minutes, so it is best to drink that amount every half hour. X39 also works best when your body has the right minerals. Use a high quality electrolyte supplement every day.

Tips & Tricks
Attenuation is when the overuse of a product causes it to become less and less effective. It is important to take an 8-12 hour break so that attenuation does not occur. Your body will get used to the phototherapy and will become less effective the more you wear it without a break. If you forget and leave the patch on for 24 hours, don’t worry, just give yourself an 8-12 hour break before applying a new one.

Tips & Tricks
As your body begins the process of correcting your energy flow, you may experience detox-like symptoms such as fatigue or short-lived headaches. It is important to hydrate well, use electrolytes, lessen sugar and processed foods, and allow your body to push through this process. If you feel too fatigued you may switch to wearing X39 during your sleep hours for the first 30-60 days.

Pro Tips & Tricks
Getting proper nutrients into your body is key when you embark upon a new wellness regimen. To maximize your benefits with X39 you will want to consider taking CoQ10 in the morning and Turmeric before bed. Also check that you are getting the proper vitamins and minerals.