Eeyore Effect

By Jen O'Sullivan, BCND

I want to throw out a very non-medical term that actually has major implications on how your body responds to anything you use for your health. It is called the "Eeyore Effect". Your mind can and will deter you from health. If you have a bad attitude about always being sick you will always be sick. If you have coined your pain as ownership (My pain, my disease, my illness) then guess what, you own it and will never get rid of it. It is time for you to do some serious mental work and consider how you speak about your issues and how you may be holding onto them.

As a very clear example, I can put on an essential oil that is supposed to give me a sense of joy, yet if I am mad, and I want to stay mad, my body will reject the action of that oil. It is the same with supplements, health foods, patches, and any other healing modality.

A way to help overcome this is to do some specific mental exercises. Apply the X39 patch and sit or lie on your back for about 10 minutes with your hands on your belly. Take some deep breaths in. With your eyes closed, visualize the patch going to work. Visualize your cells waking up. Visualize those little mitochondria spreading energy throughout your cells. Visualize them activating the copper tripepetides and activating healthy stem cells. Visualize those stem cells healing your body.

Do this at least once per day for a week or more.

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